On Grid (Grid Connected Systems)

On Grid (Grid Connected Systems)

On-Grid Connected Solar PV Systems
Grid Connected On-Grid Photovoltaic Systems

Grid Connected On-Grid Solar PV Systems
Grid connection possibility in solar electricity generation, Grid Connection

Grid Connected (On-Grid / Grid-Connected)
Grid-connected photovoltaic systems are connected to the central electricity grid and transfer the generated electricity to the grid.

Systems where the electricity produced from solar energy is fed to the grid and used instantly without any additional storage (battery-battery, etc.) interface at the time it is produced and at the place where it is produced are called Grid Connected (On-Grid) Systems.

The electrical energy obtained in these systems is transferred directly to the Interconnected Network Line of the public. It is possible to sell the excess electricity produced (for example, excess consumption-use) to the grid. In this area, different laws, regulations, purchase guarantee periods and tariffs are developed by the states depending on the current conditions. For example, positive technological developments, increased production capacity, commercial conditions, etc. It is seen that there has been a decrease in the initial investment costs for a while depending on the issues.

It is possible to supply the missing electrical energy from the existing public line (automatically) during the hours when the electricity produced from the sun is low or not enough, in the days when it is cloudy, or at night in the evening. With two separate meters to be used in the system or with a two-way single meter, all electricity transactions can be recorded and offset.

It is also possible to monitor, view and communicate the system remotely (Optional). Support for maintenance-operation services can also be provided with the central system control that monitors 24/7. It can be followed locally or over the internet, and data can be provided as web and graphics. By carrying data with GPRS, data can be transferred to remote screens without the need to pull cables to the places where the solar system is mounted. Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly system performance, electricity produced, earnings can be viewed and recorded. Investors and facility owners are provided with comfort and convenience with advanced high-tech features such as remote configuration, monitoring, control and message receiving.

In this application, while the photovoltaic power generation system works like a mini power plant, you can, in principle, sell the excess electricity you produce to the grid. You can also have a profitable investment while generating your own electricity from our environmentally friendly domestic and renewable energy source, the sun.

Grid-connected PV systems
- Grid-interactive PV systems (There is energy exchange with the grid)
- Grid-backup PV systems (grid backup only) (Optional)
(For applications that require precautionary measures against mains power cuts and need backup-uninterrupted electricity)

About Grid Connected Systems…
- No auxiliary equipment is used to store electricity (It works like a grid energy store),
- The energy produced is instantly used and consumed on the load. Excess electrical energy is transferred to the grid. The missing energy is made up of mains electricity,
- The On-Grid Solar Inverter has a special design, it transfers controlled energy to the grid. It drives solar cells with smart MPP (maximum power point) for maximum-high efficiency.
- In addition, the solar inverter has to meet the energy quality (harmonic) and safety requirements of the grid (Islanding effect),
- Cost can be reduced by selling excess electrical energy to the grid,
- Different application types are available;
Roof type systems (residential), Building integrated systems (Building-integrated), Central type systems (utility scale)…

With the electricity generation system connected to the central grid, it is possible to produce electrical energy at the desired power. The connection is made to the city grid system, and the generated electrical energy is transmitted directly to the grid system. Directly Connected Systems to the Grid is the easiest, most practical and functional method of generating electricity with solar energy. It is possible to use for decades with almost zero operating and maintenance costs. The systems are modular and scalable, allowing time to develop, even disassemble and transport.

Some of the main usage areas are;
Independent houses; Summer House; Farms; TOKI etc. mass housing, estates, common living areas; Schools, public buildings, hotels, motels, holiday villages, shopping malls, parking garages, hospitals, business centers, etc., with high electricity-energy consumption during the daytime. buildings; OSB Organized Industrial Zones; Factory, workshop, industry, etc. roofs of enterprises of facilities; Warehouses, Logistics centers, cold storages; Markets and stores, Solar powered parking, sun / solar carport, Electric car vehicle charging stations; Rural irrigation, village water pumps, Unlicensed Electricity Production in the Electricity Market at powers below 500 kW; Solar Power Plants (GES) …